Also named “Big Bird”by its pilots, the Carrier Class Shuttle Gryphon
has long been the warhorse of the H.U.N. forces. It was conceived, even
before the Bug Wars, as a troop carrier vehicle, able to deploy forces
in the front line. For that purpose it was fully covered in heavy armour
plating and it had the fastest turbo jet engines available at the time.
This ship eventually suffered several changes and modification during
the course of the war.
Just prior to the Nebulon invasion, the H.U.N.’s Technology department,
lead by prominent Dr. Reekardoo, gave it a complete makeover. Besides
incorporating a payload of four Stinger Bombs on each wing, the new
Laser Charge Blasters were added to the Gryphon – capable of causing
havoc on a capital ship. Also, it possessed a new targeting system that
was near flawless, along with the traditional eight seventh generation
Bullseye missiles. It’s armour plating was reinforced and the new Atlas
power engines were used, making it faster than ever while still
providing enough room for four commandos plus a pilot.